Entry #16 – Chick lit


Entry #16 – Chick lit:  Chick lit can be cheesy, but also kind of wonderful.  What’s a favorite book or author from this genre?

My favorite chick lit author would have to be Madeleine Wickham, who is most famously known for writing as Sophie Kinsella.  While this genre doesn’t always get the most literary credit, I enjoy picking up one of these novels every so often.  They’re light, fun, quick reads.  They also make great books to listen to in the car because someone with a charming British accent usually reads them!

A few titles that I’ve enjoyed under the name Madeleine Wickham are The Gatecrasher, Cocktails for Three, and Sleeping Arrangements.  Under the name Sophie Kinsella, I’ve enjoyed Can You Keep a Secret?, The Undomestic Goddess, Remember Me?, Twenties Girl, I’ve Got Your Number, and Confessions of a Shopaholic.

I’ve Got Your Number is one of my favorites.  I’ve listened to it on audio CD twice!  In the story, a young woman named Poppy panics when she’s lost her heirloom engagement ring.  While checking for any messages from friends on her phone to see if they’ve found her ring, her cell phone gets snatched.  She then finds an abandoned cell phone to use.  This, of course, turns into a bit of a problem when the owner demands that the phone be returned.  This strikes up an unusual relationship.  You’ll get a kick out of following Poppy about as she stresses over her lost ring and intimidating future in-laws.  Listen to the author introduce the book here; you’ll want to read it after listening to Wickham’s lovely voice!

Another favorite would have to be Can You Keep a Secret?, in which a woman named Lexi spills all her secrets to a stranger on an airplane when she thinks they’re going to die in a plane crash.  Embarrassingly enough, this stranger turns out to be the founder of the company she’s working for.

These funny situations are just what’s needed sometimes.  I love romantic comedies, so why wouldn’t I like chick lit?

What are some chick lit books or authors that you enjoy?